Redenka Palace, Redenka Lodge and Villas Redenka
Located in the Redenka area, overlooking the majestic Rila and Pirin Mountains, Redenka Hotel is only 2 km from the Pirin Golf Club, designed by Ian Usnam, 6 km from the resort of Bansko and 2 km from Razlog.

Outdoor pool with mineral water
Surrounded by green areas, the cozy pool bar offers refreshing cocktails on summer days.

Redenka Palace, Redenka Lodge, Redenka Villas
Relax zone
Redenka Hotel provides guests with a well-organized and functional relaxation area with sauna and jacuzzi, hammam, steam bath and massage areas.

Enjoy and relax with us
We guarantee a good experience, a pleasant holiday, delicious meals and excellent service!

Redenka Hotel offers its guests a spacious restaurant, located on the ground floor in the Redenka Lodge apartment hotel.
“Изкарахме си много добре цялото семейство. Отседнахме в една от вилите, беше чиста, отлично поддържана и много уютна. Външният басейн беше на метри разстояние от вилата ни и беше отоплен, което беше важно за вас тъй като детето ни е малко.”

Много хубав комплекс. Много вкусна храна поздравления за готвачите. Любезни и усмихнати служители. Отлично обслужване от целия персонал от администрацията до сервитьорите и камериерките. Със сигурност ще се върнем отново но този път за повече време.

Комплексът притежава всичко необходимо за пълноценна почивка. Тази година обедното меню е обогатено и разнообразено, добавени са и нови съоръжения на детската площадка.

Delicious Eating
24 hours parking
Безплатен WiFiFree WiFi
Hotel near Razlog and Bansko
Bansko is in the embrace of one of the most beautiful mountains in Bulgaria – Pirin.
Imagine waking up in the morning and the first thing you see are the blue peaks of the mountain, and the sun is seductively shown from one of its peaks…
There are so many natural beauties that Pirin Mountain is endowed with that choosing a family vacation in the beautiful hotel complex “Redenka”, located in Redenka, overlooking the majestic mountains Rila and Pirin, you will immerse yourself in the majestic beauty of nature. The hotel is 2 km away from Razlog and about 8 km from Bansko, near the new golf course near the ski resort.
You won’t even feel how the weekend will end!
The Redenka hotel complex, along with its luxury apartments, really offers all the amenities and opportunities for entertainment – fitness center, tennis court, indoor and outdoor pool, children’s pool and playground, steam bath, sauna, massage, jacuzzi.
And if you go outside the complex, you can choose a picnic by a meadow above Bansko, a walk to one of the many waterfalls, lakes or other natural attractions located near the city. You can also visit the neighboring Dobrinishte and take the elevator to Bezbog peak… we assure you that stepping there, you will forget about all your worries.
Redenka: among the most popular spa hotels in Razlog and Bansko
Hotel Redenka is your wonderful choice among quality hotels in Razlog and Bansko. Having all the amenities in the apartment and in the complex, you will feel cared for and completely satisfied.
Activities & Facilities
Спорт и развлечения
На най-активните наши гости предлагаме възможности за различни видове спорт: тенис на корт, тенис на маса, футболно игрище
Зона за релакс
Хотел „Реденка“ разполага с модерна зона за релакс. На Ваше разположение са сауна, парна баня, джакузи, закрит плувен басейн.
За най-малките
За най-малките ни посетители сме осигурили детски кът, площадка за игри на открито с люлки, пързалки, катерушки.